Mirroring a website directory for offline use - viewable entirely offline. We used this primarily for pulling archives from our raw audio & video archives. This doesn't work so great for dynamic content. YMMV.
- r: Recursive
- level=0: Recurse X levels deep, 0 is no limit
- E: Append “.html” extension to every document declared as “application/html“
- x: Force creating dirs
- k: Convert links to local - good for offline viewing
- p: Retrieve any implicit files required for offline viewing
- erobots=off: turn off http robots.txt usage
- np: No parent - do not ascend to parent dir when retrieving recursively
- N: web URI
wget -r –level=0 -E –ignore-length -x -k -p -erobots=off -np -N http://domain.tld/path/to/resource/